Sunt protagonistul unui serial, in care eu sunt starul principal si in rolurile secundare sunt rusoaice. Astazi episodul 2 denumit “Flower Orange Blossom”.
“Hi! I’m a single girl and I’m 26 years old. Please take a look at my
pictures and let me know if you like them! I live in Russia and I’m
going to come to your country and work over there very soon! I don’t know
anybody over there and I thought it would be great to meet someone who is open to
anything (as I am!). I would be happy to be friends, lovers or create
a serious relationship! We will see what happens!
I hope you will write me back and I will write more info about myself
and send more photos!!!!!!!!!!!
I am writing from my friend’s email
address, so please make sure you do not reply directly to this email.
Email me at only.
if you don’t use my personal email address then I won’t be able to read
your reply and write you back. So it is very important that you get it right.
Ok, I guess it is now your turn. Hope to hear from you today. Bye!!
btw, i got your email from dating website”.
De data asta spammer-ii s-au gandit ca o tipa bruneta cu palarie de cowboy/cowgirl m-ar atrage. Nu ma atrage ca imi aduce aminte in primul rand de G.W. Bush. Acum imi spune ca are mail-ul meu de pe un site de intalniri. M-am inscris si eu pe vreo cateva (cred ca si pe Love Happens) si asta ma duce cu gandul la faptul ca site-ul respectiv a fost spart sau a vandut baza de date. Cred ca a fost spart. Astept cu nerabdare episodul 3.
E cuvant cu cuvant acelasi mesaj sau mi se pare doar mie?
nu e chiar cuvant cu cuvant 🙂 but the saga continues (pentru cei nestiutori de engleza, povestea continua)
Incepi sa devii plictisitor cu aceleasi faze la nesfarsit… gata, am inteles ideea.
Dear Gigel, iti multumesc pentru parerea candida, dar nu te obliga nimeni sa comentezi. Data viitoare abtine-te.
Da de-alea cu “Hi, I live in Africa and I’m dying so I thought to leave you my 20 million $ fortune if you just open an account with 3000 $ in it” nu ai primit? Oricum, mult noroc cu rusoaica…
Nu am primit, deja sunt la fel cu SMS-urile prin care esti anuntat ca ai castigat la Domo sau mai stiu eu unde… Nici nu vreau o rusoaica, am deja o romanca si nu o dau pentru nimic in lume.